When you think about saving costs around the house, you tend to think about as many possibilities as possible. Especially if you are someone who took the time to research and found that led bulbs are ...
Some home features these days are more of nostalgia than practical use. While your parents may prefer ceiling fans, you may be more impressed by the open ceilings and central air conditioning of a mod...
In recent years, LED technology has undergone an extraordinary transformation in the manufacture of high-efficiency LEDs. What differentiates LEDs from traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs is th...
Darkness is a scary place, which is probably why some of us prefer to sleep with the lights on. However, research shows that sleeping with the lights on can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asle...
The LED light is an electroluminescent semiconductor material chip, which is cured on the bracket with silver glue or white glue, and then connects the chip and the circuit board with silver wire or g...
You can keep the LED lights on all night. Your main concern in asking this question is probably whether the LEDs pose a fire threat. Compared to old incandescent bulbs, LEDs generate far less heat, so...
LED lighting is becoming more and more popular, and people are starting to choose to replace standard halogen lamps with LEDs. but why? What are the advantages of led lighting?1. LED lights are energy...
Firstly, the intelligent lighting control module is divided into two types of actuators, namely, intelligent switch control actuators and intelligent dimming control actuators.Smart switch module vs s...